Other Stuff

Monday, November 22, 2010

Ring-necked Pheasant

If you are younger than twenty and live in south central Pennsylvania you may never have seen this bird in real life. Once abundant around these parts they have nearly vanished. I remember hunting them growing up. Even, God forbid, we would have the shotgun in our car at school so we could hit the field as soon as school was over. A lot of things will never be the same.
While driving back from another birding expedition yesterday this guy was standing in the middle of the road. (That is not why the aren't around anymore) We drove slowly closer for better shots. We were in the money when he hit the top of the roadside bank.


  1. I almost fell off my chair when I saw you had this shot. Then as I read and you said it was standing in the middle of the road I figured you must have been in the gamelands. One of those dumb stocked birds. When we were kids and hunting after school this guy would have been sitting tight in the brush and flying for a fun shot .

  2. I didn't fair as well as you Haney, to much lens and a dirty windshield. But I did get something for a "throught the windshield post." I am glad I could get you into position.

    Now we need to do it again soon and not let another year pass.

  3. Yes can remember the shot gun in the car at school. Hitting the local farms for an afternoon of hunting. I was the same as Barry, what is the bird? Like the color around the neck.

  4. Thank you, Brad, It was fun if not successful. My shots of him on the road, through the windshield, all hit the can. My series with the fishing gull didn't turn out too bad either. Some good eagle pictures too. We'll make a run somewhere early next year.
