Other Stuff

Thursday, November 04, 2010

The View From There

This one is for the world, today is SkyWatch day. The sky this day just couldn't deside whether to be blue or be cloudy. This, for those of you just tuning in, is an unnamed mountain in the Flat Tops Wilderness Area of the White River National Forest in north central Colorado. I hoped for but never was rewarded with some alpineglow. I did get the sunshine as it peeked between the clouds and the mountains to the west. And I had to live with sights like this for nearly a week.


  1. Terrific capture, Haney! We've been having a lot of those "can't make up my mind" skies here in Seattle! The unnamed mountain is beautiful, but most of them in Colorado are! Have a great weekend!


  2. Lucky you! WoW, that's gorgeous!!!

  3. Just gorgeous and I so love Colorado. We just came from there last month. Happy weekend~ Mary

  4. beautiful, but hoping not to have snow here for awhile yet

  5. That mountain is magnificent! They never fail to make good subjects for photography.

  6. Sounds like it was a tough week! Great shot.

  7. it looks eerie but beautiful! have a good weekend!

  8. that's a gorgeous unnamed mountain! and lucky you for seeing this for almost a week :)

  9. Autumn changes to winter rapidly in the high country. The snow is nice to watch when you are sitting in a lodge in front of a fire. It is not so nice from inside a tent., still pretty, though.

  10. Beautiful view! I think the sky is partly blue and partly cloudy:)

  11. I love the snowcapped mountains, a beautiful scene and photo.
