Other Stuff

Thursday, December 09, 2010

And Finding a Christmas Tree

It's Christmas tree time, people. Last weekend was my time. It's a hard time of year to stop what you are doing and venture out to the tree farm, hop a ride on the wagon to the far away side of the farm to wander through the Dougs and find the perfect tree. Is there a perfect tree? Too tall. To fat. That one has a hole in the side. We could put that towards the wall. There's one. Who do I look like, Charlie Brown? Crooked truck. Lopsided trim. Three tops. How about this one? Cut it down. Quick.
Will I give this up for a plastic tree? No way. I'm like the mailman when it's time to look for the Christmas tree... through rain, sleet, snow or freezing cold... we will deliver the tree.


  1. I'm doing a story for my journalism class at Ship and happened across your blog. I was wondering if you have any recollection, pictures or thoughts about businesses along route 11 that used to exist, but since the creation of I-81, no longer do (or barely survive). I've heard about Ms. Dolly Hoffman's store down closer to Carlisle and the old-ice cream stand outside of the Cumberland Drive-In. Any input would be greatly appreciated.


