Other Stuff

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas to All and to All a Goodnight

The problem with the holiday season is that you end up leaving little time for yourself. I just got home a little while ago (that's why I'm posting so late) and from the time the gifts were unwrapped until now I have been home for all of about an hour and a half. Three parties and one friend-visitation from 11:30 this morning until 10:45 tonight. It was a good Christmas here at the home office of the Outskirts of Suburbia, all employees were overpaid as usual. The boss did OK. And me? Just glad the free flow of funds has subsided. Now to get through all two and a half days of "the week that doesn't matter" work and I get another long weekend. That makes three holidays in five weeks. Next holiday... Memorial Day... just 4 months and 30 days away.