Other Stuff

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Year

I'm still here, just busier than busy. Hopefully things will slow down with the holidays wrapping up. Last night I spend some time in the evening with friends eating too much and drinking too little. (Damn responsibilities) We left that party after 11:30 pm and headed for the festivities in town. It was warm but not warm enough with just a hint of precipitation in the air. The crowd seemed larger than in past years, but maybe that's my imagination. It wasn't raining and it wasn't frigid cold, maybe that's what brought more revelers into the square in downtown Shippensburg to see the anchor drop. (Shippensburg... Ship... Anchor... get it?) Then at 2 minutes after midnight the music stopped and the inflatable amusements deflated. I'm not sure if that was our last call warning or if someone just tripped on the cord. It wasn't too long before things started to clear out.
Happy New Year, everybody!

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