Other Stuff

Friday, January 21, 2011

HFD Station 1 - Uptown

Two weeks ago a tagged along with a van full of junior firefighters from Shippensburg on a field trip to the Pennsylvania State Fire Museum in Harrisburg. After that we visited Harrisburg's Station 1 for a tour. While there they got a call a block or two behind the station, so we got to see them make a run. I didn't take a lot of pictures but here's a few. The last one got a little more blown out than I was looking for, but I like the one of old Tower 2.


  1. I got this one this week. It is Harrisburg Station 1. I will check back after lunch to see if I was right. Hey great pic's .

  2. Yeah that old Tower is the best one the city has. It is a 1988 - 100' Mid-Mount SUTPHEN TOWER. It was the original Tower 2, then it was Tower 3, Tower 1 for awhile after the old Mack/Baker, and now it is reserve Tower 4. The truck is now 23 years old but she is still a Beauty!!!!!

  3. Might I add you were very lucky to ride along. I would love to ride along in that Tower!!!
