Other Stuff

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Chinatown in Black and White

Today I pay a bit of homage to one of my daily reads; Kitty at NY Portraits. There are several NYC blogs that I check each day and my favorite and first check of the day is usually Kitty. Now while I have no intentions of trying to take pictures like her I simply took some pictures with her style. Average New Yorker going about a typical day. Street corner and sidewalk pictures and straight on images of store fronts. And mostly black and white. I say mostly because yesterday was a rare color photo from her. My picture of Vanessa's Dumpling House I think I did a good job with but my average New Yorkers pictures just don't speak like hers. Must be that " I don't like people" thing I have going. So, if you get bored at work today check out Kitty's Blog.

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