Other Stuff

Friday, February 18, 2011

Name That Sign

No seriously here are some of the signs and miscellany I've run onto while taking pictures of firehouses. The first one should just say "No Nothing". No Skateboarding, Rollerblading, Bicycling or Playing on Fire Company Property? And what's that other one? No Parking fire trucks at the Firehouse? What? And what the second one all about? I've heard of fire company junior member programs but Fire Department Head Start? The third one is just some cool graphics on a brush truck, I think. The final one... do you think that really works?

1 comment:

  1. Just to be clear, since nobody guessed or asked... The first signs are from Midway Fire Company, Co. 17's quarters. Second is in the parking lot of St. Thomas Fire Company, Co 18 Franklin County. Third is the side of Mechanic's brush truck in Waynesboro. And the last one is on the door to Engine 9, Ladder 6 in Chinatown, NYC.
