Other Stuff

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Stop Heroin

Can you say, "Right place at the right time?" I knew you could. OK, follow me here. On the way to Harrisburg Sunday morning we jumped off the interstate in Enola for an early lunch. Leaving the restaurant we headed south along the river to cross into downtown Harrisburg instead of going further north on 81. Just past West Fairview and before we got into Wormburg I see a graffiti laden train car. Whoa! U-Turn. Through the empty parking lot. Grab the camera. Fire away. Up the hill. Through the snow and weeds for just a couple more. Creak. Crack. And away the train goes. Heading north. That close to missing it. While I disagree with graffiti and see it as vandalism, occasionally I see something that catches my eye. Something more than some delinquents misspelled name. I am impressed. Some of it could be art if it wasn't for destroying someone else's stuff. Kind of like me driving through and parking my car on private property and accessing railroad property for pictures like this. I do it for you friends.

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