Other Stuff

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

And Then One Day We Drove to Idaho

The life of a young Airman can be one of spontaneity. A hundred years ago while I was still stationed in Utah we went for a drive one day. It was actually January 2nd, 1985 and I had been stationed at Hill for 14 months and at that time I was training a new guy. Seeing that our weather station was a 24/7 operation, around the holidays us single guys would work six 12 hours shifts over Christmas which would give us six days off over New Years. Well we took advantage of the time off and drove north out of Ogden and through Logan, Utah (Bottom picture). Tim and I then continued north on Route 89 through Logan Pass where we stopped for some pictures of the snow banks (never saw that much snow at one time(third picture)). Bear Lake straddles the Utah Idaho border along Route 89 (fourth picture) near Glencoe, Idaho. Then we dropped into Idaho. Now, Minorsville seems to be a mystery. Googling and Binging finds no town of Minorsville in Idaho or Utah. I seem to remember it being in Idaho but maybe it just never really existed. As for the rest of the day memories of that have been replaced by better memories of something else, I guess. But bits and pieces remain thanks to these and some other pictures I took that day.
The bear went over the mountain to see what he could see.
All that he could see was the other side of the mountain.
Be like the bear and never stop looking over the next mountain.

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