Other Stuff

Monday, March 14, 2011

YMCA, Tyrone, Pa.

While driving home through Tyrone last week, as always happens, something interesting caught my eye. Since when is a building demolition interesting? (this is the third here) When the big CAT is literally centerstage. While snapping these pictures I struck up a conversation with an older gentleman who was also watching the process. He told me this old building was built in 1914. There were basketball games here, a swimming pool, a two-lane bowling alley and a 600 seat auditorium (by the looks of the stage here it must have been a beauty). He said he played in a rock band in the 60's and they would play here. Time has taken it's toll on the old Y. Hurricane Ivan struck the decisive blow in 2004 warping the floors. The current owner made an attempt at saving the building but the damage was more than anyone could handle. By now I'm sure this is a vacant lot. I did dig up a little history here. And I see they have their own My Face page. I don't do the Facebooks, you know, a lot less drama over here by myself.

1 comment:

  1. In my younger life i had done 27 plays and musicals and the last one was there. The historic theater inside the YMCA building. ( My Fair Lady 1998 i believe was the year) little did I know this was one of the last that would be performed there. It was a grand, intricate beautifully architectured theater. I only have my script and tickets in keepsake. Thank you for for posting this, as there are no other photos of it I can find from it's hey day. ( even though this is a sad photo to those of us who performed on that stage) Thank you. Sincerely, Erin L. Adams
