Other Stuff

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Insert Sponge Bob joke here.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Birds and Blooms

Happy Memorial Day to all of you.

I spent some time in the backyard today. That and parading.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Cumulonimbus Mammatus

A little weather knowledge for you today. This is what you call Cumulonimbus Mammatus. Cumulo (the white fluffy clouds) nimbus (thunderstorm) Mammatus (the effect that looks like breasts or udders. Mammories). This cloud is a sign of bad weather. Severe thunderstorms or even tornadic activity. This was what I saw from home last night after the bulk of the storm. After the rain, heavy rain, heavy horizontal rain. And hail, pea sized hail, but still hail (note: it'll explode on your windshield if you drive through it). And wind. And lightning, lots and lots of awesome lightning. But no rotation. And no rotation is a good thing.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Laughlin's Mill

I actually went out and took a few pictures yesterday. Driving through Newville we stopped by the Mill. The mill was built around 1763 by William Laughlin across the Big Spring. Yes that's the same Big Spring I birdwalk on occasion. To run the grist mill he built a 6 1/2 foot dam that produces, like, 15 horsepower.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Beekman on Varick at Vandam (PG 168)

I haven't forgotten my Painted Gentlemen, but I do need to find some new ones. This is another from New York City. Yes, this is through the windshield as we were heading towards the Holland Tunnel and out of town. If you look there is an old one under the Beekman Paper Company sign, just not enough of it there to make any sense. Traveling on Varick Street near the intersection with Vandam Street. Don't Block the Box!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Mallard Hen

Standing so statuesque on her rock in the middle of the Big Spring.

Monday, May 23, 2011

My Columbine

While the Mrs. claims most of the flowers around the house and throughout the backyard, the Columbine are mine. I don't have a ton of them. There is a batch of purple ones above the big rock. A couple pink ones above the short wall and a few purple ones along the fence. My white ones failed to appear this year. Yet. I saw some other purple ones this weekend, too, while on a walk. But I still haven't found my Colorado blue ones to plant. I'm still looking.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Deer at Sunrise

OK, I know, it must be crappy picture Sunday. I took these deer pictures about two and a half weeks ago. Not real early, maybe 7:45 AM. There were three or four deer there altogether and they were nearly straight line between me and the sunrise. After downloading I realized that at least two of them, including this one, were bucks.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Life Lion at the SHS Mock Crash

This is Life Lion out of Penn State Hershey Medical Center. Life Lion join in on the Mock Crash that the Shippensburg High School had the day before Prom.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Angry Skies

This spring sure has been a wet one. Along with that you get these busy skies and trying to capture that is the challenge. By the way, the trees on the left of the bottom picture are the same trees in the top picture. Top picture was taken mid-April, bottom was taken last weekend.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bleeding Heart

It's mid-spring already and I am still without inspiration. If the rain would quit maybe I could find it somewhere. Until that day arrives the grass keeps growing, the weeds continue to take over and I sit here waiting for a chance to get out and take the camera for a walk. Or a road trip. These bleeding heart pictures are three weeks old. Better to share them late than to not share them at all. Enjoy.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Last fall during the bi-annual elk pilgrimage to central Colorado we spent a little down time in our base of operations; Eagle, Colorado. Here is the view looking north along Broadway and the Brush Creek Saloon. My first time in Eagle, more than sixteen years ago, the sidewalks weren't brick and the Brush Creek was still a saloon. I'm not saying change is a bad thing, nor am I saying not changing is a bad thing. It is clear the influence of the Vail area is pushing ever westward and quickly these ties to the past will be gone. If you've ever wanted to see the old west, hurry, because it is certain that you can't take the old west out of the cowboy but you can, and they will, take the cowboy out of the old west. And if you ever find yourself in Eagle at the Brush Creek Saloon have an order of green chili for me.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Barn Charm - Lumberdale

Last evening as the sun was setting and shining brightly the rain fell steadily. Using my vast meteorology background I knew there had to be a rainbow somewhere. As I walked around my parents house the colors slowly materialized in the eastern sky. A few quick pictures and the dissipation began. I moved down the road a bit and tried to include the old family barn with the 'bow. But 'til I got there it was pretty much gone and with the trees along the creek I was unable to get the picture I envisioned. This old barn, built in the 20's, has seen hogs, Charolais cattle, chickens, pheasants and peafowl. And for a time, along with other buildings, it was a part of my great grandfather's sawmill.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Just a quick Saturday post. Most of you, I'm sure, have noticed that my blogroll on the right sidebar seems to have come to a screeching halt. While everyone has their reason to post or not to post I thought I would let you all know that Steve, the Colorado Guy, is back to posting. His site went dormant for a while early this year because he was taking second bicycle ride across the good old U S of A. He returned and is posting again on his Colorado Guy website. Apparently they are seeing some snow out in Chaffee County. He also has been busy posting his day by day journal from his adventure. He's about half way so far and updates once a day. Check it out.

Friday, May 13, 2011

County Communications Vehicles

It seems that blogger is back up and running semi-normal now. My missing post from yesterday has sort of returned and I can finally post today's Fireday Friday pictures. These were taken during the high school mock crash last month. The top two are units from Cumberland County. The bottom, one (two pictures) is from Franklin County. I know nothing of these vehicles. I don't know what they do or in real time what brings them out. Maybe someone reading this can further enlighten us.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Faces of the Confederacy

Another ongoing series I do when I feel like it. Faces of the Confederacy is the working of the pictures I take at Shippensburg's annual March to Destiny. Held the last weekend each June it commemorates the Confederate occupation of Shippensburg in the days leading up to the battle in Gettysburg.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Looking for something different to post today. Here is a picture I took of the Appalachian Brewing Company's building along Cameron Street in Harrisburg, Pa. We originally stopped here because they have a 6 foot high root beer six-pack carrier on the side roof. I like this place, the beer is good and the food is great.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Next Up... the Track and Field Post-Season

Last night was the final track meet of the regular season. It was actually an invitational meet billed as "Under the Lights" (even though it was over long before dark). But there were a mere five schools there. One school may have only participated it half of the events. I think everyone who has qualified for Districts stayed home. Why exert yourself, why risk injury? This meet has become a do-or-die meet. Last chance to qualify. If you're a senior, run like it's your last meet. It just may be. The boys went 1-5 this season. Not to find excuses but they were a young team. Some races this year were 100% freshman. Team wide seniors make up less than 10%. Will it make them a better team next year. You have to hope it does. But track and field is as individual as a team sport can be. The elation of breaking the almighty PR, your personal record. I've seen kids get excited after losing because the beat their own time. I saw a school record beaten this year. I've seen the joy in one athlete's eyes for just completing his event, regardless of the time. And I saw the sorrow and sadness from the loss of one of their own. Next, Saturday is in line for Mid-Penn's. Cross your fingers and wish them luck.

Monday, May 09, 2011

The Beatles Hit New York

Actually all this is is a billboard advertising that the Beatles are hitting iTunes. It even looks like they're getting a police escort. This picture is taken along Canal Street near Mott Street in New York City.

Friday, May 06, 2011

SHS Pre-Prom Mock Crash 2011

As you look over the pictures below, know this, this was a Pre-Prom Mock Crash. A tow truck brought in the cars, make-up people painted on the gore and the blood was poured from a 2-liter bottle.

The purpose of this is to remind these young people and young drivers that there are consequences to the things you do. (Notice the "drunk driver" being led off in handcuffs in the next to last picture) The "casualties" were carried off in body bags. The cars were opened up and "survivors" were taken to the ambulances and awaiting helicopter. Scared straight, maybe that what you would call this. If it saves one it was time well spent.

Organizations helping out with the drill we both Cumberland and Franklin County Communication Centers, the Shippensburg Fire Department (West End Fire and Rescue, Vigilant Hose Company and the Cumberland Valley Fire Company), Shippensburg Area EMS, Franklin County Coroner, Shippensburg Police, Shippensburg Fire Police and Life Lion Helicopter.

As I said at the beginning, this was only a test. No one was injured or harmed during this test. Scared? Hopefully. But not injured.

Thursday, May 05, 2011


The first is the promise of no more rain, we could go one with the track meet. Seems this year that the 4x400 relay is suppose to be run in the rain. Tuesday they ran as the thunder and lightning crept in over the North Mountain. The bottom is a scan of two pictures I took in 1984 somewhere out in the Great Salt Lake Desert. It's not often when a rainbow appears that you can actually see both ends. And no gold at either one.