Other Stuff

Friday, May 06, 2011

SHS Pre-Prom Mock Crash 2011

As you look over the pictures below, know this, this was a Pre-Prom Mock Crash. A tow truck brought in the cars, make-up people painted on the gore and the blood was poured from a 2-liter bottle.

The purpose of this is to remind these young people and young drivers that there are consequences to the things you do. (Notice the "drunk driver" being led off in handcuffs in the next to last picture) The "casualties" were carried off in body bags. The cars were opened up and "survivors" were taken to the ambulances and awaiting helicopter. Scared straight, maybe that what you would call this. If it saves one it was time well spent.

Organizations helping out with the drill we both Cumberland and Franklin County Communication Centers, the Shippensburg Fire Department (West End Fire and Rescue, Vigilant Hose Company and the Cumberland Valley Fire Company), Shippensburg Area EMS, Franklin County Coroner, Shippensburg Police, Shippensburg Fire Police and Life Lion Helicopter.

As I said at the beginning, this was only a test. No one was injured or harmed during this test. Scared? Hopefully. But not injured.

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