Other Stuff

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Glowing Logs Cabin

At a banquet last spring I bought the last few raffle tickets they were walking around selling. I won. It doesn't happen often. When it comes to luck with these things I'm out of it. When they got done giving all the luck to Dad and my big brother I got what little was left. Not much. What I won was a free night stay in the Glowing Logs Cabin right here on the outskirts of town. Never heard of it. When we drove up I realized that we had done a drive-by on it when it went up for sale. I walked by this place many times as a kid growing up. The guy who bought it took the main house (shown here) and gutted the 2 story - 4 room original log house and turned it into one large room. It was cool to spend the night. No TV, no phone, no traffic, no neighbors. We actually brought the kids out and took what would become our Christmas pictures here. (The walls are actually relatively straight. In the close quarters I used my fish eye lens)

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