Other Stuff

Friday, July 29, 2011

Sunday Night Barn Fire

Last Sunday night I pretended I was young again and ran out the door at 10 PM when the alarms rang out for a barn fire. Cool, I can get some fire pictures, that's not something I can get everyday. I caught the second engine out of the Vigilant's house and as we approached the scene you could see a smoke column lit up by all the apparatus already fighting the blaze. Then I hear our orders; establish a tanker fill site. Hey!, there's no fire there! But there was still pictures to be had. Soon our tanker showed up to be refilled. I jumped on board and hitched a ride to the scene. I walked around and took a bunch of pictures and on the tankers next time back to empty I again jumped aboard for a ride back to Engine 1 and the fill site. We finally got released and back to the station. Then home and a shower. And to bed at 2:30 AM. I'm sorry, but this body no longer does 2:30 AM. I think I'm still paying for it.


  1. Come on what's wrong....

  2. Haney,

    I know the feeling! The brain makes promises that the body can't keep.
    Great pictures, keep up the good work.

    Cincy Bill

  3. What do you mena this body no longer does 2:30 a.m., I am older than you and just did a double overtime shift riding the wagon daylight and riding the truck night shift and have been out of bed since 1:30 a.m. and I am still going strong. Well sort of, LOL.

  4. The difference is, Bradley, is that you did that at work, I did that and still had to go to work. Work sucks.
