Other Stuff

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

The Angela

Beside my Grandmothers cooking some of my best memories as a kid visiting Coaldale was the movie theatre just up the street, the Angela. I can remember the King Kong remake with Jessica Lange, Superman and watching Grease here twice. maybe three times. The modern megaplexes just don't have the character of any old downtown movie theatre. If you didn't want to see the movie playing you would wait until next week. Well, the Angela fell on hard times somewhere along the line, but there seems to be a new life in it's future. A sign hung outside marks it as a Panther Valley Historical Renaissance Site. The sign reads, "Originally opened October 11, 1949 by Peter Magazzo, the Angela Theatre brightens Phillips Street and the lives of Coaldale residents. It's classic 1940's marquee, terrazzo tile entrance and box office signal the past prominence of the 'state of the art' motion picture theatre. Th Angela is once again active - the last operating movie theatre in the Panther Valley."

1 comment:

  1. Love the old time theatre's. Do you remember the old one on Penn Street. seen lots of movies there and lots of friends had good times. Like the drive In's too.
