Other Stuff

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Pennsylvania State Memorial, Gettysburg, Pa. 2011


This imposing memorial erected by the State of Pennsylvania is one of the most beautiful on the field and is a fitting tribute to her 35,000 enlisted officers and men who participated in the great conflict. All of these names are recorded on the bronze tablets placed around the parapet and on the inner walls of the arches.

Marken & Bielfeld, Frederick, Md.

The Pennsylvania Memorial, like some of these other postcards, I see what may be (like Bradley said) that the original photographer used a wide angle lens or a lens with a different curvature than mine. Often I can get the center to line up fairly well but the extremities are off a bunch. Also, with a popular monument, like the Pennsylvania, there is a lot more tourists hanging around. I was able to photoshop some of them out but I had to leave some on because of where they were.

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