Other Stuff

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

The Real Reason to Go to the Maryland State Fair

OK, I admit it, Blake who? The only real reason to go to the Maryland State fair would be to see the pig races. I mean, seriously, who doesn't live for the pig races? You get to cheer on there little pork butts. Go Lindsey LoHam, go Britney Spareribs, take him on the outside Brad Pig. And of course you can't forget Kevin Bacon. He's everywhere. But I do draw the line at a 100 pound rat. A man has to know his limitations. If I were to see a rat bigger than 50 pounds I wouldn't get any sleep at night. Can you imagine the size of a glue trap you would need for a 100 pound rat? Does DeCon sell by the ton? Plus, let's not forget, I got to see little Swifty Swine do a power dive and swim the length of the pool. Can you say you've seen that?

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