Other Stuff

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Header Review 9

Time for my semi annual header review. Just a reminder and to help explain when I change headers at the beginning of each month the old one goes away. This post  helps save them for historical purposes and evidence.
  • May 2011 - This is the New York City skyline shot from the Brooklyn Bridge Park in August of 2009. The title is a play on the Saturday Night Live beginning.
  • June 2011 - Blue skies behind raindrops. The raindrops are on the cars windshield.
  • July 2011 - This is an old Mack MC fire engine that once belonged to the Diligence Fire Company in Summit Hill, Pa. It is now privately owned and sitting beside the Coaldale Fire station. Taken on Fathers' Day 2011.
  • August 2011 - The Angela Theater in Coaldale, Pa. playing my favorite show. Also taken on Fathers' Day 2011.
  • September 2011 - A sunflower I found growing at the State Game lands in western Cumberland County, Pa. I tried to make it look like I wrote on it with a sharpie. Taken in August 2011.
  • October 2011 - What is left of the aspen color in Colorado. Taken out of the truck window along Interstate 70 somewhere between Idaho Springs and Vail, Colorado in October 2010.
I am finally up grading the look of the site after four and a half years and one thousand six hundred posts. I hope you like it. For years now I have wished I could post buigger pictures and I think that day is here. Thanks for stopping by.

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