Other Stuff

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas at Children's Lake

Don't you just love last minute decisions? Saturday night I was at the camera shop, 12 miles southwest of home. While talking we decided to go check out the floating tree at Children's Lake in Boiling Springs, Pennsylvania. 25 miles northeast of home. It was cold and it was cool, but I may have to go back at try the picture thing again. The long exposure was not the problem. It was a light breeze the was my problem. There was just enough wind to move the lights and screw the focus. Anyways, the tree floats out on the lake and the lake is surrounded by luminaries. We drove home looking at some of the ridiculous, Clark W. Griswald wanna be Christmas decorators. Wow. 
And, no, that is the old mill back there, not a barn. So, no barn this week.

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