Other Stuff

Monday, December 12, 2011

Save Your Green (PG 173)

Barn Charm 17. Painted Gentleman 173. I dug into my old files looking for something I haven't posted anywhere yet. This barn sits near the intersection of Sleepy Hollow Road and Route 286 near Clymer, Pennsylvania. Why do I have a picture of a random barn in Indiana County? It all about the faded ad.  I love getting pictures of old faded ads, especially Mail Pouch. I call them Painted Gentlemen, I play on the terms Painted Lady and Gentlemen Farmer. If you haven't already clicked my label in the sidebar for Painted Gentleman, try it and see where it takes you. This barn though is a small mystery. It is nearly too faded. I can make out the words "Sales & Service" and "Save Your Green Rt 286 S Indiana Pa" It's the top line that baffles me. is that an "F"? It could be an "F" for the word Firestone. It is close to the same style. Unless someone remembers It will remain a mystery.

For more Barn Charm follow the link below to Tricia in Southeast Missourah.


  1. I like the painted gentleman name - it fits!

  2. Like you interest with the old signs on the barns. I had never though about it. Here I see lots of Coke signs nailed up and old license plates, but that is about all. We do not even have quilt barns here in this county that I know of. I love your shot with the blue doublewide to the side. So typical. Have a nice barn filled week. genie

  3. You have a good eye. I can barely make anything out from your photo! We don't have adverts on barns here, but I do love to take photos of the ghost signs of businesses in town.

  4. Oh, I've just clicked on your archived painted Gentlemen - what a wonderful collection you have! I'll have to have a better look later when i'm not rushing to get to work (see how I rush, reading blogs while waiting for the coffee.....)

  5. very nice...i too love old faded advertising signs!

  6. Those old ads are really neat, esp painted on old barns... I don't understand why everything has to change so much... if it works, don't fix it! =)

    Great barn & thanks for joining, Haney! =)))

  7. Ads on barns are never seen here so I LOVE seeing yours.

  8. I really like this one...will check the others out at a late date if I don't forget.
