Other Stuff

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

The House of Blues

While at the beach I spent two evenings out with the camera and tripod. Lots of neon down there. I think I shot 14 different signs last week. The House of Blues was first opened in 1992 in Cambridge, Massachusetts  and was financed in part by Dan "Elwood Blues" and Jim Belusi, John "Jake Blues" Beluhi's brother. It has since been sold to Live Nation. We ate here one night, pretty good. And the atmosphere was awesome with all the paintings, old shoes and tramp art. They even had a live act in the restaurant. Rumor has it there might be one coming to Philly. Also notice the Blues Mobile in the footer.

Jake: What's this?
Elwood: What?
Jake: This car. This stupid car. Where's the Cadillac? The Caddy? Where's the Caddy?
Elwood: The what?
Jake: The Cadillac we used to have. The Blues Mobile!
Elwood: I traded it.
Jake: You traded the Blues Mobile for this?
Elwood: No. For a microphone.
Jake: A Microphone? OK, I can see that. Well what the hell is this?
Elwood: This was a bargain. I picked it up at the Mount Prospect City Police auction last spring. It's an old Mount Prospect Police car. They were practically giving them away.
Jake: Well, thank you pal, the day I get out of prison my own brother picks me up in an old police car.
Elwood: You don't like it?
Jake: No, I don't like it.
(Elwood guns it and jumps an open drawbridge)
Jake: Cars got a lot of pick up
Elwood: It's got a cop motor, a four hundred and forty cubic inch plant, it's got cop tires, cop suspension, cop shocks, it was a model before catalytic converters so it runs on regular gas. What do you say? Is it the new Blues Mobile or what?
(Jake unsuccessfully tries to light a smoke)
Jake: Fix the cigarette lighter (as he tosses it out the window)

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