Other Stuff

Friday, January 20, 2012

Initial Attack

Earlier this week there was an apartment fire in town. From the initial dispatch you could just tell that it was going to be one of those fires. It was a little after 1 AM. As a camera guy I try to get pictures that show some action. But I also take documentary-type pictures. I try to tell a story. And sometime I'm just in the right place at the right time. This was what the crew from Engine 152 had to tackle. I debated with myself on posting it here. While I will refrain from posting complete pictures from this fire you will see some of those story pictures I mentioned. This picture has made the rounds already anyways, from our firehouse website, to two local TV news channels and, of course, the Facebook pages of two certain firefighters. 
The above picture is what you call, SOOC, straight out of camera. No cropping, no adjustments no nothing. Below is one I worked a little Photoshop on.

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