Other Stuff

Monday, February 27, 2012

Barn Charm from Afar

Yesterday I set out for a short drive. Two and a half hours later I got home. A quick buzz through the State Game Lands led me to Three Square Hollow Road. I started to just loop around, then I took a right. This took me up. And up. I stopped at the look out (see below) and started to zoom in on some of the barns and farms in the valley below. This is the Cumberland Valley. From the Blue Mountain to the South Mountain out there beyond the haze of early morning. These barns are on the outskirts of Newburg and Newville. Hopewell Township and Upper Mifflin Township and the small villages in between.

For more barns click on the Barn Charm icon up above here.


  1. love the view. would love to see that in person. (:

  2. What a beautiful view! Glad you shared.

  3. Oh, I like this Barn Charm from afar...nice shots!

  4. nothing better than rural landscapes. thanks for sharing these!

  5. I have to laugh at that 'short drive' and two hours later' bit!! Done it a few times, myself! Looks like it was a nice drive, at least.

  6. I like how you've taken the photos looking down on the darm. Cool!

  7. Quite the zoom lens you have, Haney, & awesome views! Love the barns & lakes all around

    Thank ya much for joining =)

  8. Love the rolling countryside with the farms nestled here and there.
