Other Stuff

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Header Review 10

Spring header review. This would be header review number 10. It is my way of preserving these mini works or temporary art. I do this twice a year. And I do the footers once a year in December.
  • November 2011. Just a picture from a perspective I've shown many times before, of the autumn colors and a soybean field ready for the picking.
  • December 2011. This is another shot of the Dykeman House here in Shippensburg during a snow storm back in 2010. It just looked Christmasy.
  • January 2012. A sunset over Shippensburg from Cleversburg. That tower you see there? You've seen that before. A few times.
  • February 2012. FDNY Reserve Engine 500, we saw parked along the street while in the city for the Lunar New Years Parade. See, even the FDNY is representing the OoS.
  • March 2012. When we drove to the beach last summer we went straight over to Assateague Island. On the way back I saw this and knew I needed to stop.
  • April 2012. Just what are the chances of opening a fortune cookie and reading this? Made my day. And blew my daughter's mind. At the same time!

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