Other Stuff

Monday, June 04, 2012

The Barn on the Norristown State Hospital Grounds

This is a huge barn. And by huge I may be under exaggerating. This thing is massive.  It is now all boarded up but it is being used as storage for the grounds crew. I looked on the interweb and couldn't find much. My guess is that it was built in the late 1800's possibly early 1900's. The Norristown State Hospital opened in 1879 as the State Lunatic Hospital at Norristown. Norristown is 20 miles northwest of Philadelphia city center.

For more barns that were on rural farms, not at lunatic asylums on the outskirts of large cities, check out Tricia's Barn Charm site. Click on the icon above.


  1. That is indeed huge! Not quite your typical style of barn, either. It's too bad it's only being used for storage, but I'm guessing it would be very expensive to renovate.

  2. Boy, this is sure different...so wonderful. I would love to see the inside!

  3. Wow - amazing barn! It's huge indeed and I love the style of it.

  4. oh wow, what a fancy barn and i'm sure it has such a history...looks like something that would be featured on ghost adventures!

  5. wow, looks like a house. do they live there too? it is huge. ha. ha!!! (:

  6. Massive, indeed! WoW! And brick, too! I wonder if they'll ever open it back up for everyday use.

    Thank you for joining, Haney!

    I've never heard of blah blah soda before... in your header pic, that's funny! =-)

  7. Wow- it's huge! It looks like a house that went through a barn reno.

  8. Wow, that is something! And all brick. I'd love to wander around inside wouldn't you?

    Noteworthy Musings - Barn Charm #88
