Other Stuff

Monday, July 02, 2012

Early One Morning

Sometimes there is an advantage to being awake and working early on a summer morning. One is that you beat the heat of a late June heat wave. The other is sights like this. This red shed is located in the far southeast corner of Pennsylvania. Meaning that the Maryland border is less than a mile behind me and Delaware is only another 1000 feet beyond that. I don't know how old the barn is, it has a block foundation, but the farm house just past it is dated 1832. 
I have recently resupplied my barn picture backlog so hopefully I'm back into this for a while.

If you want to see more barns every week click on the mini barn below and visit Tricia in Southeast Missourah.


  1. Beautiful scene! Love the lighting, the shadows and the fence too!

  2. Very pretty early morning scene. I love the shadows of the fence.

  3. what draws my attention is the white little design near each bottom corner. lovely area. (:

  4. It looks so pretty with the white fence.

  5. Awesome ol barn & love the fence & shadows... the old farmhouse has a nice view of their barn, too!

    Love the revamped blog look & colors... Thanks for joining =)

  6. Lovely old barn and a delightful scene!
