Other Stuff

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Big Game Camera Trapping

Yes, I think I told you all that I got a trail camera. Not just to feed my hunting habit but as a tool to take more pictures of interest to me. And thereby of interest to you. You remember the cow elk I got pictures of roaming the high county of Colorado after shooting hours don't you? (damn elk) Well it works just as well back east. I first waited for most of the big game hunting seasons to end before I deployed my camera trap. So, two weeks ago I went out in the fog (remember the fog?) and set the camera up on a potential trail I could find myself high above next fall. Evidence of such an active trail would have me pacing and waiting until October to climb a tree and wait for the sunrise to bring me a new and beautiful day. I let the trap set for a week. I could picture all the deer. Seven days. I could image that the big buck made it through all the hunting pressure unscathed. Saturday morning I hurried out to retrieve my treasure. The camera tripped 8 times. Seven times it was the wind blowing the brush near the camera. Once it was Rocky here. The long wait til fall is no match to the time I will have to myself, while suspended 15 feet above the ground, to see a squirrel climb a tree. Wish me luck.

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