Other Stuff

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Quiet Time

Some people go on vacation to rest and relax. I can do that at home and not lose vacation time. I go on vacation for the adventure. Not some canned, follow the rest of the sheep, vacation, though. When I go to the beach I'm up before the sun. Some days I'll walk the shoreline while the sun peeks over the surf to greet the day. Others may just be spent on a slow drive watching the world around me come alive. Sure you see the sun rise any morning at home, too. But seeing the sun rise above the truck in front of you on the interstate isn't the same. Most of us can't just pull over to the side of the road and absorb the pinks and oranges of the morning. So next time your on holiday, haul your butt out of bed and live the day. Afternoon naps are also an important part of vacation, too.

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