Other Stuff

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

The Homecoming

This statue sits in a parking lot near the center of Chambersburg, Pa. It sits near old Fort Chambers along the Falling Springs. Nowadays it sits in a parking lot behind the old Uptown Sales building. To paraphrase the very descriptive sign there, it says, Benjamin Chambers got the OK from the Penn Family to develop a 400 acre piece of the western frontier to layout what would become Chambersburg. In 1755 he built the Fort to protect the people during the French and Indian wars and Pontiac's Rebellion. In 1775, Franklin County got up a bunch of Volunteers led by Ben's Son James. James took his son Benjamin along with him as the went off to fight the Revolutionary War. Six years later they returned and Big Ben was there to greet James and Little Ben. This statue commemorates that event. It was dedicated in October of 2007.

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