Other Stuff

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Snow Geese in Flight

You know, a long time ago we had a speaker at our fire company banquet who spoke about teamwork. He used the migratory fight of geese to drive his point home. He told of why gees e fly in the classic "V" pattern when they make these epic journeys. How the lead goose broke the current of wind so that the goose behind him used this new current and the goose behind him didn't have to work as hard. And so on back each side. And they would switch out who had the lead. He told us that this is how a volunteer fire company should work. Making each persons work easier when we work together. I think we got it. Then he asked why one side was always longer than the other. We all had our theories. When we were done he explained that one side was always longer than the other because there were more geese on that side.

More from Middle Creek.

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