Other Stuff

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Boots Off the Ground

"Since you mean to hang me, I'd like to atone to my maker."
"You got one minute, make your peace"
"Where do I begin? I regret trifling with married women. I'm fairly ashamed of cheating at cards. I deplore my occasional departures from the truth. Forgive me for taking your name in vain, Saturday drunkenness, Sunday sloth. Above all, forgive me for the men I've killed in anger (looks over at Asa Watts) and those I am about to."

Jebediah Nightlinger (Roscoe Lee Browne) praying to God before he's about to be hanged by Asa Watts (Bruce Dern) and his gang.
The Cowboys - 1972 - Starring John Wayne

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