Other Stuff

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Year 10, Day 1

Bleeding Hearts in my Backyard

Red Tail Hawk at the State Game Lands

Barred Owl at he State Game Lands

Thistle Blossom at the State Game Lands

The White House, DC

University of Virginia - Pegasus medical helocopter
Shenandoah National Park

Swallowtail, Shenandoah National Park

Skyline Drive, Shenandoah National Park

Oriole Park At Camden Yards, Baltimore

Sunflower Fields Forever, Marion, Pa

Paint Mines, Calhan, Colorado

Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs

Mule deer, Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs

Manitou Springs Fire Department, Colorado

IAFF Fallen Firefighters Memorial, Colorado Springs

Bishop's Castle, Rye, Colorado

Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado

Pronghorn Antelope, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado

4 Corners, Navajo Nation

Ship Rock, Shiprock, New Mexico

Dallas Divide, Ridgway, Colorado

Placerville, Colorado Post Office

Ouray, Colorado

Black Canyon National Park, Colorado

Conowingo Dam, Darlington, Maryland

Assateague Island, Virginia

Assateague Lighthouse, Virginia

Chincoteague Island, Virginia sunset

Appalachian Trail mid-point, Michaux State Forest, Pa

OK, here we go. It's been nine years now and we're just getting number 10 started. Last year was a blast. Good times, sad times and everything in between. Lots of flowers, lots of birds, lots of firehouses, a day in the Capital, a weekend in Shenandoah, 10 days in my spiritual home, Colorado, a morning with the eagles and New Years in Chincoteague. Oh, and some hiking with the boys. This year promises more. A new destination is in my future, it may prove to become a new frontier to discover. The backyard promises more flowers, the boys promise more hiking and I'm sure there are more of our fine feathered friends waiting somewhere for me. Thank you all for those few seconds I take every day. Year 10... starts now... hold on tight... (by the numbers, 9 years, 156,933 blogviews (23,454 this past year) 2.962 posts (338 in year 9) And World of Pigeons is now my Number 1 post!)

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