Other Stuff

Friday, November 11, 2016

Veterans Day 2016

 Two days out of Basic Training

 Ricardo Santiago in front of White Hall

White Hall. They were working on it last fall. It's gone now.

Me, Billy Curry and Roger Nicely (a couple of Mountaineers).
It was Billy's last day on base before heading to his first assignment. 
This was out in front of the Gold Shield by the movie theater.

 What's left of the movie theater.

 Our dorm block, then and now.

Happy Veterans Day, fellow veterans. Seemed like a good enough time to post the pictures I took last fall at what is left of Chanute Air Force Base in Rantoul, Illinois. I spent 13 weeks there in late summer and fall of 1983 while attending U. S. Air Force Weather Specialist Training. I didn't take as many picture in those 13 weeks as I did in the couple of hours I spent there the last time.

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