Other Stuff

Friday, November 02, 2018

Popo Agie River Rendezvous

 Fur Trappers Rendezvous 1812-1837
Popo Agie River
Lander, Wyoming
October 2018

If you've ever watched the classic 1980 Charleton Heston movie "The Mountain Men" (if you haven't, go do it now. I'll wait) at the beginning of the movie Bill Tyler (played by Heston) meets up with his old friend Henry Frapp (played by Brian Keith), who is showing Nate Wyeth, a Massachusetts ice merchant, a route to Oregon. They decide to go to the fur trappers rendezvous together. (Because, as Henry put it, "If I don't get some whiskey, I'm gonna die!". When they get to where they thought the rendezvous was all they find is a note that read, "Come on to Popo Agie. Plenty whiskey and white woman".
Well, this is Popo Agie.

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