Other Stuff

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Live Fire Training - June 1980

Live fire training in 1980. Was there any other kind of fire training? This is the before, during and after pictures of the first fire of the day. (When live fire training, always start in the attic and burn your way down). In June of 1980 I was just a rookie junior member and this was my first time packed up in a real fire. It didn't turn out as planned and became a benchmark of how you don't want things to go. Let's just say every time since has been a lot better than this one. Dr. Seuss once said, "Oh, the places you'll go." If you know any of these people, you would have to agree. (p.s. not my pictures. Thank you to whoever took them. Although this day is etched in my memory it's nice to look back and show others)

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