Other Stuff

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Earning Another Star

Today's post is not about the picture, I'll have more on that another day. Today is another one of those little milestones you reach, ponder and charge ahead. Today is post number 400. Tomorrow I set my sights on 500. But first some TMI (Too Much Information) about how things here at the main headquarters for the Outskirts of Suburbia work. In order to keep me from losing my mind I keep subfolders in my 'My Pictures' folder. And in these subfolders I keep all the pictures I'm going to post. And in order to keep this reasonably organized, and not huge, I start a new folder every 100 posts. If you figure I post one to three pictures a day that figures to 200 pictures every 100 posts. So, enough math already, I'm going to start my fifth folder and I'll see you back here tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Haney, You always were good at math. Mom
