Other Stuff

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Sleepy Cat

As always I'm wishing I were in Colorado. This is Sleepy Cat Mountain. I've included a picture from the fireplace at Sleepy Cat Lodge so you can see where the mountain gets it's name. From where I hunt outside of Meeker this mountain is just one of the sights I get to look at. Sleepy Cat Lodge is located along Rio Blanco County Road 8 between Meeker and Buford. I've never stayed at the lodge but we have been out for a beer and prime rib (the 16 oz. Tom Cat) on several occasions. We first visited the Lodge in the fall of 1990, this was the original lodge. There were signed dollar bills tacked to the ceiling with arrows and tanned hides with autographs of patrons past. A terrible fire in January of 1991 destroyed the building and it was soon rebuilt bigger and better than ever. Now a big log cabin with a separate bar and dining area and plenty of windows that look out over the White River. The autographed tanned hides have started up again but no more arrows in the ceiling. Lots of local animal mounts and lots of comfortable chairs. A little out of the way but if I get back in the area I'll be having another Tom Cat prime rib. Oh yeah.

1 comment:

  1. Your right Haney, building a log cabin in the middle of that mountain area would be great.
