Other Stuff

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Fire Expo 2008...Who Was There...

The big city boys were there to be sure. FDNY from NYC was there, too. And me. I spent 2 and a half hours walking around seeing what was new, taking some pictures seeing what was new in t-shirts. There were many different manufacturers there some I had never heard of and some that have been around forever. And wackers. Wackers are the hyper-stereotypical fire guys, kind of like nerds with helmets and pagers. There will always be wackers.


  1. Wackers at the Fire Expo, that's a under statement.

  2. Well your right, I spent 4 days at that show. I seen a kid with pager on the left side from the front to the middle of his back & on the right side he had portables,,,I seen a group of guys run out the back door because they had a call,,
    tiller wagon,,kid in the back wagon & tools in the front wagon,,gentleman walking around with his Fire Poplice outfit on the show,,the issues go on,,
    See you next year May,15,16,17,2009
