Other Stuff

Friday, May 16, 2008

I Don't Take People Pictures

One of my cousins, a new reader, called me at home last week and complemented me on this blog, she said she liked the pictures but that she preferred people pictures and that I should post some. I thanked her for stopping by and explained that, "I don't take people pictures." Why? "Because I don't like people. People blink and move and have opinions and inanimate objects don't."
Then, several weeks ago, I was asked if I could take some senior pictures. "No, I don't take people pictures." Besides the stress of recording someones 'moment in time' wasn't a responsibility I was interested in. And after two more "No's" I got together with this lovely young lady Wednesday evening to take her picture. Her mother had said that she has seen my work and thought I would do great. Funny thing is my work involve sitting in front of a computer all day trying to look busy and not get caught surfing the net (not at all what I was hired to do).
We started slow and soon warmed up to each other and the pictures took on a more relaxed if not at times goofy vibe. Thank God she brought along a friend, I don't notice things like 6 strands of hair out of place or price tags stuck on shirts. At one location we had the purple and white flowers by the gate or the pink flowers by the porch or the big locust tree out back or I told her she could be out standing in her field. The light bulbs lit up at this suggestion and after several posed shots and while we were thinking of where to go next, the spontaneous happened. Of the 151, yes that's one hundred and fifty one, pictures taken at at least 10 different mini locations this one picture still is stuck in my head.
Good luck to her and her patient mother on figuring out what pictures they want.

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