Other Stuff

Monday, September 08, 2008

5 Hundred

Here it is post number five hundred. I never dreamed I would get this far and still have something to show and tell. So in light of my Cyber Roll Call we did on my one year post I am proposing something different. No, I'm not the first to do something like this but it's my turn now and my rules. In early November I will be out of Internet range, out of cellphone range and out of vehicle-paved roads-electricity-and most people range. So here is my proposal... I want you to post for me while I'm gone. Here's how it will work:
  1. Don't comment that you are doing it. Let everyone be surprised.

  2. Adhere to the guideline of the Outskirts of Suburbia as documented in this post. "A picture or two or three everyday and some words."

  3. I maintain the right of censorship, this is a family rated blog and there are some things people don't want to see... like my mug.

  4. I have set up an email account, send it to me there. theoutskirts@pa.net (give me until Wednesday 9/10 to get this straightened out) Reduce your picture size to about 900 pixels if you can, I'm cheap, I'm on dial-up.

  5. I will fill in if I don't get enough guests.

So here is you chance. If you vegetate in front of the new boob tube (your computer) and say, "that looks easy." Here is your opportunity. Maybe you've already got a blog or site of your own and want to promote it, great (Just don't try to sell anything. see rule 3). Maybe your contemplating whether or not to fire up one of the bad boy blogs and just need a push. Here I am and I'm shoving. Thank you in advance. Haney.

1 comment:

  1. Neat idea Haney, I have never heard of it or seen it done before. I hope you get plenty of help while you are gone and bring back an Elk.
