Other Stuff

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Home Game

Another sunset over the hometown football team. They fought hard Friday night and held onto a slim lead into the 4th quarter. But too many turnovers and too much defensive time on the field tired them and spelled doom. Add to that the visitors haven't lost a division game since 2000 and we just couldn't hold them back. A long drive for a TD and a long breakaway for another and we dropped this one. Home again this week, it'll be another tough one, two teams in a row that went deep into the post season last year. I hope the boys can keep their focus.
P.S. The email address is up and running waiting to hear from you. theoutskirts@pa.net


  1. I really enjoyed this image.

    I was at the York Fair that night and did not have my camera so I am glad to see that you were able to catch the great sunset!

    Drop me an email if you want I was playing around with this image in photoshop a bit thought you might like to see it.

    Have a great day...Brian

  2. Brian,
    Send me an email at theoutskirts@pa.net , I looked and couldn't find yours. Thanks for stopping by, your's is a daily read of mine. Love following you around (enviously) when your out west.
