Other Stuff

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Thank You, Thank You Very Much

Yes, I'm back. Like everyone else on the big expedition I returned empty handed. That's correct we were skunked. Eleven trips since 1989, Dad's been on more than that since 1968 and this is the first time we were skunked. I did not even see an elk in the mountains. I saw a few deer, cat tracks and heard the coyote songs but no wapiti. The week started warm, in the fifties which changed Sunday night to snow, thunder and lightning and Monday's cold turned to Tuesday's wind (10- 20 mph gusting to 40)and snow which turned to Wednesday's 15 degrees with falling and blowing snow. Talking to our outfitter and other outfitters and hunters we were making out just as well as many others. More on all this later.
I want to take this time to thank those who helped out while I was gone. It's not that I couldn't have made up enough posts to last while I was gone but the goal here is to make you think, "Just what is he posting today?" What better way than to pique someone else's grey matter? So thank you Cincy Bill, your rapid fire response tells me you should fire up a blog of your own. Bill sent me enough to cover my whole leave of absence. I'll need to visit Cincy sometime, check out All American Ballpark if nothing else. Thank you.
Thank you also to Sparky. Sparky is a frequent commenter and has offered help in exploring places not many people see. I'll take him up on that soon. And Grizz, thank you. Between you and your daughter (it's the Blue Spotted Hen right?) You have captured the essence of the OOS. It may not be the perfect picture but it makes you want to say, "Hey, check this out! Have you ever seen this before?" Both of you, all three of you, keep up the good work and keep your eyes open, you never know what's next.
Finally thank you Mama Clep. I know it wasn't easy having such a perfect little brother but somehow you managed. And remember just 1 year 11 months and 2 more weeks and it'll be hunting trip time again. I can't wait.
And now the pictures. These were snapped somewhere along Interstate 70 through Indiana or Illinois. Out the side window of the truck with a longer exposure. Most of these missed the target trees, these tree were the best of them.

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