Other Stuff

Monday, November 10, 2008


  • Miles driving across the country to the Elk Holy Lands..... 1702
  • Hours driving that 1702 miles..... 30.5
  • Mules to haul our gear to the top of the world..... 8
  • Hours in the saddle to go the 2.1 miles up to the top of the world..... 2.5
  • Days living above 10,000 feet..... 6
  • Outside air temperature.... 32
  • 2 hours in the Hot Springs Pool.... PRICELESS

Wishing you too had a black cowboy hat like everyone else..... YOU BET!


  1. Jimmy needs to buy a cowboy hat before his next trip out west.


  2. He never did listen to me. He will catch on one of these trips. Those hats sure do help keep the snow out of your face.


  3. Seated in the hot spring we see Jimmy seated with his buddies "The Highwaymen "
    Right to left Garth Brooks, Willie Nelson,Johnny Cash , Jimmy, Waylon Jennings and Chris Kristofferson.
    Welcome home guys

  4. Maybe next year they nedd to get a good sun tan before they go out West,,,
