Other Stuff

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veteran's Day Parade 2008

It's a shame that the crowds at the annual Veteran's Day Parade aren't bigger. With the crowds at the Halloween parade or even the Memorial Day Parade you would think there would be a better crowd. But no crowds this day. Yes, it was a short parade compared to others but the meaning behind it runs deeper. I sometimes think people don't want to know what some of these brave men and woman did to preserve our freedoms as long as there getting it for free.
Out of the blue last week while I was gone I got an email from an old friend I was stationed with in Germany. I haven't spoken with him in many many years but through some emails the past disappeared and we are reliving the old adventures we shared. It sound like he's is happy and in a good place. Also passed a couple emails with my old roommate and my most recent NYC tour guide. I hope to get back up and see him soon. Thank you guys for helping me make memories.

1 comment:

  1. Yes it would be nice to see more people turn out for this parade. And make the parade a little bit bigger.
