Other Stuff

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Birding Help

An early morning walk after a late night on Photoshop has my brain nearing shut down. I walked, this morning, along the Big Spring. It was a very quiet morning and I only saw a couple Mallards. I did see a Red Winged Blackbird and a Red Tailed Hawk being chased by two Crows. And I saw a bunch of tweety birds. These two were patient with me. But what I thought would be easy turned out not so. What Are they? The first is a Song Sparrow, I'm pretty sure on that. The second though, has me baffled. I thought when I took the picture; Junco. No, the black beak nixed that. Warbler? Vireo? What do you think? I'm hoping to soon get another bird book, but 'till then do you know?

Friday, February 27, 2009

No Name

This is what you do when you have no idea what to call your new town. You got to come up with a name quick because the Colorado Department of Transportation will not wait on you. Exit 119 is along Interstate 70 going through Glenwood Canyon.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

In the Middle of the Road

This picture is from a senior picture shoot last fall. I conceived this idea from a similar yet completely different picture I found online. We found this back road on a Sunday morning to be the perfect set up. I think only one car came by. When it did I quickly moved the chair to the side of the road. I'll bet they thought, "Damn, if we'd have come through five minutes ago, we could have gotten that chair." My original idea was cornfields on either side, but when we got to the designated road through the cornfield they were there picking the corn. That's my luck, a day late and a dollar short.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dyson's Planing Mill (PG XCV)

H. P. Dyson and Sons, Co. Planing Mill is lost on the back street s of Newville, Pa. Sitting on the corner of Cherry and McFarland Streets it is right next to the railroad. I guess for easy shipping. It now looks boarded up and empty.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Another Harrisburg Panorama

This one was taken from the same spot as my header. Just a couple weeks later and during the day. Just as cold.

Monday, February 23, 2009

1st Church of God - Side Windows

These are better detailed shots of the side windows of the First Church Of God in Shippensburg. These were taken from the roof of the annex of the Vigilant Hose Company. Until 1969 when the Vigilant's built the annex these beautiful window could be seen from King Street. With the annex though there is only 10 to 12 feet between the buildings. Most times these window are not lit up. I had been noticing them lit on Thursdays and planned my strategy and had camera and tripod with me. Should have dressed warmer though, it was a cold night.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Engine Room

Just a shot looking down between the engines with my new macro lens attachment.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Windows in a Tight Space

This is another panorama. Three separate pictures taken from on top of a roof looking down on the windows. There is only 10 to 12 feet between the buildings so backing up only gets you so far from the windows. Later this week I'll post some details of these three windows.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Good Will Fire Company (OSFD #18)

While leaving Harrisburg Last weekend we travrled up Route 11/15 along the West Shore of the Susquhanna River and like in many of my stories I looked down in the Village of West Fairview and said outloud, "That's an old firehouse." U turn. This building sits on Third Street at Mullberry Street. The following is from the website of the Good Will Fire Company, Cumberland County, Pa. Company 16;
"In 1912, a tract of land was purchased from Sarah Heck at a cost of $350.00. This land was located on Third Street between Clay and Lincoln Streets. The same year ground was broken and a cement foundation was laid. The building was not completed until 1915, when it was dedicated in connection with old home week. The building was erected by Ira Shaull, who drew up the plans for the building." in 1967 a new station was planned and was dedicated to the late Fir Chief in Sptember of 1968. Go to ther website for more of their history and story.
The building now has a sign on it for Charles E. Kisner Plumbing but personally the place looked deserted.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pine Grosbeaks in the Rockies

After my Friday pre-season walkabout as I trudged back to camp for lunch I caught these guys at the spring. (There were two of them.) These are Pine Grosbeaks. They are about the size of a Robin and the largest of the northern Finches. Mainly a seed and fruit eater they are seen mostly in the northern climates down into the Rockies and can be found wintering as far south as Pennsylvania and Kansas. These two I saw weren't in a hurry which allowed me to get a few good pictures before the headed for the pines.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Wiping Cloth for Every Purpose (PG XCIV)

This is the only other thing in Catasauqua, Pa that I found and got decent pictures of. I found this old textile mill at the far north end of Front Street. Right at the old steel rail bridge across the Lehigh River. Good luck reading what the name was. The place was all boarded up and besides what you see here the only other signs were No Parking and No Trespassing.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

John Deere Train

For a long way... nothing but Deere. This was the scene a couple of weeks ago along Route 11/15 at the Enola Yards in Enola, Pa. (Did you know that Enola spelled backwards is alone? That doesn't mean anything, I'm just saying.) And at the north end (that's the left side) it was Case International Harvester after Case International Harvester after Case International Harvester. I just couldn't find anywhere to pull off and get any pictures though. (Remember what I said about taking pictures along the PA Turnpike and being suspected as a terrorist? This is a major rail yard here. Get your picture and get moving.) This is a stitched together panorama of four pictures that's where the bowed effect comes from.

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Helmet

Taken on my fire engine ride last weekend.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Presbyterian Church in Catasauqua

The Presbyterian Church in Catasauqua sits on Pine Street at the corner with Second Street and looks over the Lehigh River. Old friends and new beginnings found me here today. Not being one to sit and socialize much I went for a walk. Too cold for a walk. I went for a drive. The sun was almost too low for many good shots so I really only shot a few things. The sun off the Presbyterian church was one of them.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Sportsman's Show

Busy weekend. This morning was our annual trip to the Eastern Sports and Outdoors Show at the PA farm Show Complex. Two and a half hours of walking around talking to outfitters, listening to assorted game calls and Sham Wows (I think they had 9 booths scattered around). But the best news of all Tiffany Lakosky was there. And the husband, too. Lee and Tiffany have a show on the Outdoor Channel called Getting Close I guess they have a new one now called The Crush. I didn't wait in line for an autograph and a picture with her, there must have been 50 people in line. Michael Waddell's line wasn't as long and we didn't wait around in his either. Hit and run. Get the picture and get moving. Michael has a new show called Bone Collectors. His old show Realtree Road Trips was one of my favorites. My license plate on my truck is the catchphrase from that show "Will Hunt For Food". Also talked to my friend Matt Morrett for Hunters Specialties but I didn't think to get his picture with Rick White, also from HS. A long day walking on concrete, my legs still hurt.
No, I didn't forget what today is, Happy Valentine's Day. This picture was the first from my new macro attachment that came in the mail yesterday. I need to sit down and get it in some better light and the camera mounted on the tripod.
Tomorrow is another big day. Check back late.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Big Ben and Winston Churchill

A couple of throwbacks. This is London in the summer of 1985. Rainy and overcast as usual. Quality isn't quite there, I think they spent too many years in a bad photo album. I tried to work with them but can only get so far. So remember this is what you will get when I post my old scans. Big Ben was undergoing a lot of reconstruction this summer, notice all the scaffolding. I had gotten a call from a friend earlier that week, " Guess where we're going this weekend. London." And the rest is history.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Window Detail

On a cold icy night last week I climb up on a rooftop for some stained glass window pictures. I still need to sit down a play with them a little. Until then here's a sample.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Elgin Furniture, Cleveland (PG XCIII)

Sometime when you Google to see what it is you are looking at you are surprised for one reason or another. I Googled Elgin's. Obviously, this storefront on the 5200 block of Broadway at McBride is closed. This is the review my search turned up. The only review to pop up. "TERRIBLE COMPANY - BAD COMMUNICATIONS - THEIFS... This company is horrible. They will rob you blind. Uncaring! Horrible horrible communications!! DO NOT DEAL WITH THIS COMPANY!" Elgin's Furniture on Lorain Avenue made out a little better with a "Nice furniture at reasonable prices". I'll bet Mr. Elgin wrote that second one.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cosmo Squirrel

This Delmarva Peninsula Fox Squirrel looks like it's posing for the cover of some glamour magazine. This was the first of several we saw on Assateague Island over the holidays. The others we saw early on the last morning but the light was low and the wouldn't sit still. So this one from Saturday evening was the only pictures worth much.

Monday, February 09, 2009

View from the West Shore (City at Night)

This is just one frame from the panorama I took last month. (See my header up top). This shows the bulk of downtown Harrisburg, Pa. Taken from between two houses high atop Lemoyne, Pa. Negley Park was on down the street and closed so I just setup on the sidewalk. Along the lower edge of the picture is City Island. Lower left is the Walnut Street bridge (the walking bridge) On the lower right is Market Street bridge. The Dauphin County Courthouse sits along Front Street just right of the Market Street Bridge Th state capital would be off the picture to the right.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Shed Fire

I was just stopping by for a minute or two last night, luckily I had brought my camera. I yelled into the crew in the back of the Wagon if there was room. No. But here comes a second driver running across the ramp, I'll just ride in the Pumper. The fire had been knocked down before we were on the scene but that old and familiar smoke was in the air. More than just campfire smoke it was more of a pungent insulation, plastic and wood smoke. It was just a small shed nothing more.
The first picture shows some Junior Members waiting to do something and learning by observing. Eventually they got to pile up the remains of the overhaul operations. Start at the bottom and work your way up. Second picture was during response, some people still do "Pull to the right for sirens and lights". Third picture is the Pumper, the Wagon and the Truck on the scene.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

The Postseason

Saturday Live is also Friday Live. The top picture is the Shippensburg High School boys basketball team. The bottom picture is the Lady Hounds. The boys played Friday night and the girls played this afternoon. The bad news is both teams lost, a real heart-breaker for the girls. But the good news is Monday night will see them both in the playoffs. So, good luck guys and good luck girls, I'll be somewhere in the stands with my camera in hand. Lets go Hounds!

Friday, February 06, 2009

Glenwood Springs Brewing Company

This and the Hot Spring are two of the biggest things we look forward to after a week in the high country. And it's not as bad as you would think I think only two of us even got beer. (Sorry I don't remember what kind of beer this was, it was a limited batch, not a regular of theirs) Even so, lunch at the Brewpub is a unanimous decision. The burger at this place are just the awesomest. A good burger, some onion rings a couple iced teas/beers and spending time with good friends that is more of what our western adventure is about. Not coming home empty handed would have been better but I have no complaints.
The first picture is Glenwood Springs, Colorado. That's the Brewpub, second building on the left. On the right is the train station behind the station is the railroad, then the Colorado River then Interstate 70 then the Hot Springs.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Car Show Panoramas

Again, I went to the Harrisburg Auto and Boat Show this past Sunday at the Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg. I went into the building with only my 50mm lens on the camera. I soon found out that you need to stand way back to get an entire car/truck into view and there was just too many people who didn't give a hoot that I wanted to take some pictures. So I tried this. Each of these two pictures is a stitched image of 4 separate pictures. The first is the 2010 Chevy Camero and the second in a concept Dodge Rampage. The Camero was actually a lot redder than it looks, must have been the lighting in the hall.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Tint-O-Rama (PG XCII)

I love it when I find something new. How old is this? Painted Gentleman 92 sits on the southeast corner of Third and Reilly Streets in the city of Harrisburg. Not exactly sure what it says, it looks like MacMasters. And this one is signed, it's not often I find one with a visible signature. Check out the phone number KI-52057. Remember Carl's Drugs and Perdozzi's Coke signs were signed.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

the alley 7:37 pm

Another cold night out on the town. Same town different alley, apparently the last one was too easy. This alley was a little more busy, had to dodge a couple cars and one guy who wanted to see what was going on.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Turn to Clear Vision

While in Harrisburg yesterday we stopped on City Island to check out the progress of the renovation at Citizen's Bank Park, home of the Harrisburg Senators. The park is starting some long needed upgrades from the pole barn grandstand that' s been there since 1987. The outfield area is being done in time for opening day this year and the infield stands and stuff will be done for next year. This viewer sits on a deck down along the river near where the paddle boat Pride of the Susquehanna launches. The snow field in the foreground is actually the frozen Susquehanna River.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

2009 Auto Show

My son and I went to the Auto and Boat Show in Harrisburg today, so you'll be seeing car pictures every once in a while for a while. I took some, we'll call different, pictures, just to see what I could do with them. But I spent the evening Super Bowling so I didn't have time to fix anything up. So here are three my son took with his new point and shoot digital. Three of one hundred and twenty four that he took. He is the real car guy. He could spot a hot car at 70 mph going in the opposite direction and tell you what fuel mileage it gets. The show wasn't too bad, lots of people but nothing like the elbow to elbow you get at the sportsman's show. It was nearly impossible to get a picture without someone stepping up to the car or just in front of you. The Caddie had a guy camping out inside for 15 to 20 minutes. More later.