Other Stuff

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

the alley, 9:22 pm

Well, here it is. I said I would try one of these every month, around the middle of the month, but not on Monday's or Friday's. (That's a lot of self imposed rules) Anywho, here is the July version. I took this picture back in March and had trouble with the focusing in the dark, so I had to manually focus. And we see how well that worked out. Decided to keep this one color, so I blurred and added grain. Trust me if you know where this is nothing I did will change that. Check back at 6 this evening to see if you're right. And hey, I got another idea for a guessing game, I need to take a walk through town and get some fodder for that one..


  1. wow... got a bad case of CRS. the eyes know the view but the brain is locked up... still have to take a guess of east neff off of prince.. I know I've been by here on my morning walks, must have been before the cup of morning wake up

  2. I have to say the same as E4Lt Been there and seen it, just CRS. But you are standing on Prince Street looking up Nehf Ave. looking east. The color building on the left is the back of King's Court. and the Body Shop.

  3. Lou, you are just getting old! Haney, this one was easy. I had seen Sam at the station around noon after i got back from work and told him the answer.

