Other Stuff

Monday, July 20, 2009

Bubble Rock, Acadia NP

This is Bubble Rock, sitting on the South Bubble. We hiked to this by the South Bubble Trail. Up and back, same trail. A moderate trail by the "normal out of shape tourist" scale. But we made it to the top. Bubble rock is what is known as a glacial erratic. According to the Motorist Guide "a melting glacier deposited the coarse grained granite boulder after carrying it for 20 miles. Weighing between 11 and 14 tons, the boulder appears as though it may fall from it's perch, but it is actually quite secure." I assume that on a clear day you can see for miles and miles. This day we could almost see the road down below.


  1. strong showing by the Haney girl in last night's affair... glad to see you got out ur church clothes to escort her accross the stage

  2. Yeah, hope I got all the tags off of them first. Being the last introduced, me and another Dad joked about going for Big Boys and funnel cakes while we waited.
