Other Stuff

Friday, July 10, 2009

Common Eider

Common Eider. I thought that going up to Maine and hanging out on the coat that there would be more waterfowl than I would have memory cards to fill. Boy, was I wrong. I saw very few birds at all. Besides Gulls and some black duck I haven't yet identified I saw eiders and crows. The first picture came on our first day in Acadia NP and was taken out along the Otter Cliff area, picture 2 and 5 were taken in the Seawall area near Bass Harbor. The third was north of the Otter Cliffs and taken on the last morning we were on the island. And picture 4 came from Sand Beach. Had no idea what they were when I took these but I found a book at souvenir shop and checked them out. Eiders, it turns out, were the main suppliers of down to early Europeans.

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