Other Stuff

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Jordan Pond, Acadia NP

Acadia National Park is the only national park in the Northeast, established in 1916 it now spans over 40,000 acres (Mount Desert Island is 69,000 acres). There is a road around the interior of the park, Park Loop Road, that is 27 miles long. And the road surface is the best on the island. I figured I would be on an island and everything would be right there. Wrong. In 5 days of running around I chalked 500 miles on the truck. Just on the island. Every morning was fog. By lunchtime it would clear up a bit but We wouldn't see the sun until day 3. We never did see a sunrise or sunset. There are 120 miles of trails within the park but how much fun is walking and climbing on wet rocks when you can only see 100 yards in any direction? We only hit maybe 5 or 6 miles of trails. These pictures are from last Friday on the Jordan Pond Trail. A 3 mile flat trail that ran along the edge of the freshwater pond.

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